Are you Globally Competent?

What is Global Competency?                                                                    

 Why should we care about becoming globally competent?

Global Competency consists of four major ideals: 

(Link in image)

"It is vital to reinforce our people-to-people relationships around the globe and to strengthen the infrastructure and pathways that help prepare Americans in all sectors to engage with the world."

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals address the global challenges we face, including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace, and justice.

Why teach Global Competency?

What happens in the absence of 

Global Competency?

What kind of a society do we have when its citizens don’t explore the world with curiosity?

What if we never identify and analyze our own perspectives and influences?

Who benefits or suffers if we do not listen actively to others and engage in civil discourse?

How is our greater society affected if we don’t empathize with one another?

The answers to these questions are not difficult to imagine.

What Global Competency is NOT?

Multicultural Education. Social Justice Education. Culturally Response Education.

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